Sole to SoulThe Life centre for Reflexology in Hollingbourne

Foot Reflexology. greetfoot

The theory of reflexology is that all the systems and organs of the whole body are mirrored or reflected in smaller peripheral areas of the feet, hands, ears and face.
The reflexologist simply works those reflected areas with their sensitive fingers, aiming to bring those areas back to balance and therefore aiding the body to work as well as it can.

A non-invasive complementary health therapy, reflexology can be effective in promoting deep relaxation and wellbeing. Reducing stress in our lives can be key in optimising good health and building resilience.

What can reflexology help with?

It is important to understand reflexology treats the whole person, and can improve relaxation, sleep, mood, general wellbeing and also release tension.
The goal of reflexology is to restore energy and balance to the whole body.

Reflexology is used to bring total relaxation of the body and to relieve stress. The relaxing effect provided, thanks to this touch of the feet, rids the nervous system of its tensions, oppression or negative emotions. By relaxing the body, it can avoid the problems that arise from states of nervousness or anxiety.
Plantar reflexology is one of the techniques for maintaining good health, relaxation, comfort and well-being. It’s a convenient way to deal with stress. It helps to strengthen the weak points of the body and release excess energy.

The benefits for YOU

The theory is that reflexology helps the body to restore its balance naturally. Usually, after a treatment your tension may be reduced and you might feel relaxed. You might also notice yourself sleeping better and find your mood and sense of wellbeing improving.

Reflexology can help with the following conditions:

• Reduce stress & anxiety
• Can reduce neck/shoulder & back pain
• Has a positive affect on sleep, moods and wellbeing
• Increases flow of energy throughout the entire body to promote self-healing
• Increased blood circulation and lymph
• Promote homeostasis – stable environment for the body
• Helps nervous system efficiency and
• Decreases pain – increases release of endorphins
• Can assist recovery during long covid
• Boost immune system

You may also find that other aspects improve too; however, this happens on an individual basis.

With ever increasing levels of stress in everyday life, it is important for people to take more responsibility for their own healthcare needs. Reflexology may be one of the ways to mitigate the stresses of modern life.

Foot Reflexology. feet map aor

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