Sole to SoulThe Life centre for Reflexology in Hollingbourne

Spinal Reflexology. spinalreflex

Spinal Reflexology represent our spine, our central nervous system as well as the whole body through spinal nerve roots sends out nerve branches to innervate the organs, glands & areas of the body.

The technique is very precise and because it treats the whole spine via the nerve roots that come from between every pair of vertebrae, it can help almost anything, from headaches, muscle tension, hormone problems, anxiety, respiratory issues, digestion, circulation to name but a few.

This specialised and powerful form of Spinal Reflexology is based on stimulating the spinal reflexes on the feet. In a treatment you have points pressed and techniques used to open up the spinal reflexes on the feet, these effectively energise each individual vertebra and help to identify nerve roots that are out of balance.

Clients can often feel sensitivity in the spine but have no association with any back problems at all. Spinal reflexology can help identify what reflexes are really out of balance.
Compression of a spinal nerve route can cause interference in the nerve pathway. This can cause the organ(s) or parts of the body that the pathway serves not to function properly. Causes of compression are various and can include injury, poor posture, infections and spinal disorders, such as scoliosis.

The Spinal reflexology can be added to support a traditional foot reflexology sequence by adding an extra 30 minutes to the treatment, this will enhance the treatment by making it far more effective.
The technique can also be panned as a whole treatment, which then be holistic and bespoke for your individual needs. A medical history will have to be discussed ( or sent prior if it is your first treatment) as a treatment plan is needed prior to the session.

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