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Indian Head massage

Indian Head Massage ,IHM, as the name suggests has its origin in India & dates back to 600 BC.

The treatment was brought back to Britain in 1973 by an osteopath & massage therapist Narendra Mehta. He had been blind since birth and developed a highly sensitive power of touch. He realised massages in the UK did not include the head and he returned to India to research the physiological benefits of IHM.

Benefits of IHM

Helps mobility in neck and shoulders
Promotes wellbeing, deep relaxation
Relives sinus congestion’s
Relieves physical and emotional stress
Improves mood and alertness
Helps alleviates headaches, insomnia, bruxism, eye strain

What to expect from a treatment

The treatment can be receives lying down or sitting on a chair, or a specific IHM chair. The IHM routine is applied through clothes, starting on the upper back, shoulders, neck, scalp & face.

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